Thursday, February 18, 2010


sekian lame aku x menyibukkan diri kat panggung wayang, end of holiday, 2 ari berturut2 aku tgk movie..
gile bukan??
gile kose...haahhahahaaha
sponsor punye pasal, so layannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn....
first day tgk citer ni..
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
ni sinopsis die...
It's the 21st century, but the gods of Mount Olympus and assorted monsters have walked out of the pages of high school student Percy Jackson's Greek mythology texts and into his life. And they're not happy: Zeus' lightning bolt has been stolen, and Percy is the prime suspect. Even more troubling is the sudden disappearance of Percy's mother. As Percy adapts to his newly discovered status as a demi-god (his father is Poseidon), he finds himself caught between the battling titans of Mt. Olympus. He and his friends embark on a cross-country adventure to catch the true lightning thief, save Percy's mom, and unravel a mystery more powerful than the gods themselves.

aku suke awek die cuz awek die chubby....
ingat org kurus je boleh jadi artis ke???

cite ni best jugak..
seswai la ntuk famili2...
part gelak2 byk, cerite pun xberat sgt...
pendek citer, best lah..hihih

2nd day, tgk ni wolf man la plak..
ni sinopsisnye.
Lawrence Talbot is a haunted nobleman lured back to his family estate after his brother vanishes. Reunited with his estranged father, Talbot sets out to find his brother...and discovers a horrifying destiny for himself.

Lawrence Talbot's childhood ended the night his mother died. After he left the sleepy Victorian hamlet of Blackmoor, he spent decades recovering and trying to forget. But when his brother's fianc�e, Gwen Conliffe, tracks him down to help find her missing love, Talbot returns home to join the search. He learns that something with brute strength and insatiable bloodlust has been killing the villagers, and that a suspicious Scotland Yard inspector named Aberline has come to investigate.

bagi aku cite ni agak memboringkan disamping heronye mati, dan juge nmpk tue sangat...
lagi bapak die jahat, bunuh mak ngn adik wolfman...
membosankan la...

ini je lah hasil cuti 4 ari, at least kuar gak, berbanding time aku cuti 13 ari tu..hahahahah

p/s: xsempt tgk adnan sempit... dorg kate klakar sgt

Monday, February 15, 2010

for kawan2 komputerku!!!

p/s: jgn drama kuat taw..hihihih

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

handbag aku

untuk menjawab pertanyaan kerul yg bertarikh 26 january 2010. here is the answer..
beg kecik je, tapi macam2 ade..hihihih
nasib xsumbat aiman je dalam tu..hihihih

ade perfum, pendrive, sikat 2, beg duit kertas ngn beg duit syiling, ngn beg hp yg da jadi beg mekap kaler pink, kunci moto ngn kunci drawer..

dalam beg mekap ade ni je, foundation, lipice, lipgel ngn blusher je...

skang ni kene mekap cuz nk abihkan stok...
tapi xde la pekat2, natural beauty gitu..wahahahaha

kerul..... puas ati x????

p/s: aku nak tag sape?? skati korgla klu nk jawab..hihihhi

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

i'm back

seperti status yg terdapat kat fesbuk, aku x bepikir panjang da...
ape gune aku meroyan, klu si palat tu tersengih2 kesukaan melihat aku cm org gile..
sbenarnye xde mende pun, saje je, bikin panas..
ni rina la, klu x gile glemer, bukn aku..hahahah

cakap pasal meroyan, bukn org beranak je bleh meroyan, remaje cam aku ni, pun boleh..
beselah darah panas lagi..
tapi klu umo 30 ke atas tu nak meroyan, memang xpadan la..
gonjeng orang kate..
burok sesangat, tambah plak klu xsedar umo tu da 30 lebih..
nak meroyan cam kanak2 riang cm aku ni...wahaahha

so silelah sedar diri ye klu da berumur ni, sikit2 blehlah orang layan, tapi klu ari2 meroyan, org sekeliling pun nyampah..
ditambah lak muke yg palat tu...
adehhhh, nak je aku pinjam mesin basuh pinggan kat param, kasi cuci otot2 senyum muke palat tu..
wargh, glemer la param pasni...
masuk blog aku...hhahahahah

so klu xnak kene sumpah jadi senduk, sile la jgn meroyan ari2.... aku xpe..hihihi

aku suke masuk blog kak senduk, best bangattttt... ai lappp u kak senduk......

so as of today, i will smile cam kude ni...

cantik x gigi mak, kate kude ini....

kawan ngn kude pun bagus dari kawan ngn orang meroyan....hahahahaha

p/s: skali skale bikin orang panas blehkan???