Monday, April 7, 2008

mesej from n to amat

dialogue with amat
from phonecall yg die call pg td, i said blk kul 12 mlm pun die nk jumpe gak..ok, ko crk la aku kt mane, ko tau umah akukn..ok kite tgk je la.

ptg tu, mesej masuk

akubencikau: lik kul bape? abg ot

akubencikau: sok ar jumpe yg..nk demam la.xsdp bdn..(normal reason if don't want c me)

from me: xyah jumpe trus ar..sebulan ko xyah carik aku lg senang

akubencikau: ko nk aku wt pe lg?

from me: ask urself? klu cmni ko becinte ngn aku, sampai mati aku xkawen ngn ko..skit pun ko xde inisiatif nk crk aku..apsal xcukup setahun je br crk..pastu ko ingt senang, mintk maap aku da bleh cair..skali 2 boleh, tp ni bp ratus kali ko wt..bkn sikit la aku trase ngn ko,pastu kompom ko kate aku ko de piki pe ko da wat aku trase?xpenah ko nk brubah.aku letih sgt.bohsan tau nk idup cmni.

from me lg: aku syg gile kt ko & arap ko jage aku sampai akhir hayat..aku bukan malaikat ntuk saba ngn orang yg xpenah hargai aku sbg manusia..wtpe aku nk truskan hubungan klu itu sekse idop sendiri..byk sgt aku jage ati org, tapi ati sendiri nobody care..for me, klu ko xnk aku,xpaham kehendak, ikut care aku, u cant let me go if u want..aku xnk ko truskan hubugan ni klu ko da rase tpakse..aku da biase di tinggalkan..

xpueh lg..
from me again: its in ur hand to make decision., klu rase ko xtahan ngn aku,aku seda aku ni sape..ko bgtau klu ko nak aku, tolong ubah diri ko tu..bukan ntuk aku, tp ntuk ko,mase depan ko. aku nak laki bukan 24/7 ngn aku, tp bile aku perlukan die sgt2, die berade disisi aku. n klu rase hubungan ni akan diteruskan, give me time la..aku da tawar ati sgt ni..bukn pasal org lain, tp pasal ko..ask urself what u've done

no reply from him..padam da ke?? is this the man i want share my life forever?hoh,damn..

puas..kompom bil ntah bape juta this month..kakakka

n now time to mad to my kazen cuz introduce amat to me...kakakakkaka
its always happen when fight happen..kakakaka
nnt masuk sm,nk bukak thread, kenapakah?
now i enjoy my life..nothing to think.nobody to ask..
but i will miss my time with him..
he's good man forever i know..
n still love him..hoh..omg...
susah tul nk lupekan die, after a year..

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