Wednesday, April 23, 2008


gile beku gwe duk opis ni...

bos banje gwe kt saisaki sampai tahap nk munth gwe mkn..
gile punye kenyang, gwe nk on diet, mkn roti jer.

this is yesterday stoli..

xtau cmne nk cite, cmne nk gitau...
gado lg ngn amat...
hoh, ko mmg ego nk mampuih...
can't stand anymore..bubye to u..
u're asked for it, ahmad faizal..

this time memang gwe x nangih lgsg.. kuat seh..
n i know how to answer my mom question..yeah...mendeka..
feel that i'm became single back..
n this raye i will alone..same with before..

hoh,raye gwe pikirkan...kkikikk
besday gwe last year pun xcelebrate lgsg...gado gak..
mmg kuciwe, but i'm so sastified with my life now...better than before..
thanks to all especially my laki angkat, manje..u make my day, manje...
tq...lap u so much..

cian gak manje jd mangse gwe yg buas ni...kikikiki
ah, die ngadu hal rumahtangge kt org pehal...
pastu gwe kene buli bukan nk bekap..hampeh tul manje ni..

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