Monday, December 29, 2008

ape kejadahnye nak naikkan tiket wyg intl

rega TIKET WAYANG filem Hollywood akan naik RM20!


KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysians will have to pay more to watch Hollywood films in the cinemas if a proposal by the Malaysian Film Producers Association is accepted by the government.

The association wants the ticket price for Hollywood movies to be hiked to protect local feature films.

Its president, Ahmad Puad Onah, said the higher ticket prices was among proposals the association would submit to the National Film Development Corporation soon.

"Our members agree that only by hiking the admission price of Hollywood movies will Malaysians go to watch local movies."

He said although the local film industry had been on an upward trend over the past two years, the current economic uncertainties had stunted growth.

"All six local films released during the school holidays have under-performed.

"One of the reasons cited for the poor performance is that they had to compete against Hollywood blockbusters."

The films -- Wayang, Selamat Pagi Cinta, Antoo Fighter, Los & Faun, Cicakman 2: Planet Hitam and Histeria -- had to compete against Hollywood big-budget movies such as The Day The Earth Stood Still, Bolt, Twilight and Madagascar 2.

Antoo Fighter and Cicakman 2: Planet Hitam, which had been expected to be a hit, failed to score with movie-goers, he said.

"We are sure that if ticket prices for local movies are reduced, more people will watch them."

Ahmad Puad said such a policy was in place in Indonesia.

"In Indonesia, the ticket prices for Hollywood movies are higher than Indonesian movies.

"It has helped the growth of the film industry."

He said the association would propose that ticket prices for Hollywood movies be increased to RM20. Now, ticket prices for all movies are between RM9 and RM12.

On why ticket prices for local movies should not be lowered instead, Ahmad Puad replied: "That will not be fair to our producers."

He said the move would give local films the edge when competing with Hollywood blockbusters.

"It is timely as some of today's locally-made movies are on par with foreign movies in terms of quality."

In fact, it would encourage local producers to invest more in their movie production, he said.

Other recommendations to be submitted included better incentives for filmmakers and a revision of the compulsory screening scheme.

He said 35 local movies were expected to be released next year.

"But if we follow the current scheme, only 22 films will get shown."

Under the scheme, only two local films are allowed to be screened a month. Also, no local movie will be screened during the fasting month.

p/s: gile ke?


Kapten Luffy said...

beli pirate jer ler

TashadeNatasha said...

sengal jugak ni.
sje je nk suh org tgk cite melayu

JiaNg said...

peee nnti blanje i tgk wayang cite omputeh yee...

LoveHaterZ said...

sengal la diorg nih.. nyampahss

rina is pink is sugitani said...

zali - pe brg pirate..sistem bunyi xbest

sha - tu ler..die nk agaknye, bile cite mesia kuar kt luar sane, dorg wt cmtu....pastu ade ke org nk tgk cite kite kt luar negare?

jee - u la banje i..ukan tokey, kaye raye

sis ema - abih la kite..kite ni penonton tegarkan sis..ahahaha

Anonymous said...

klu citer melayu best..
boleh jek nk cecah blockbuster..
ni citer pun ntah apa2..

w/pun sbnrnya...
realistik la jgk cr ni.. huhuhu..


TashadeNatasha said...

dia xpk cm2 weh sbb cite m'sia susah nk g obesi.

MaszLaVista said...

pade aku, kalo cite enternational tu blockbuster, ko letak rege 50 hengget pon org ttp akan dtg tgk tp kalo cite melayu yg ntahpape, hahahah bg 5 hengget pon lom tentu ade org nak dtg tgk kan?
penonton mencari kualiti cerita, bukan cerita merapu sadis2 yg bukan2..

ni bukan langkah terbaik utk menggalakkan org ramai menonton filem tempatan, kerana aku yakin negara akan dibanjiri cd cetak rompaK.

kepada penggiat industri tempatan, jgn takot dgn byg2 sindiri...buat kene gelak dek org luar je kang...hasilkan karya bermutu mcm afdlin shauki, aku sure ramai yg sudi abiskan duit utk tonton filem tempatan..


mak aih...komen aku mcm nk bukak entry baru jer...