Thursday, October 9, 2008

nothing special in my life..

there is reason why???why???hiihihi

ekceli since school i only have frenz in my class, that we call classmate...
n classmate is classmate, n will be classmate forever n never ever become bestfriends..
but few people i could call them bestfrenz, but they never know my life personally...

i can count how many times they come to my home?

same goes to officemate....
most of them, especially man ler, who's send me home know my home, but never got chance to enter my home...

n there is few people i can call them bestfrenz..

but same goes with the classmate, they never know my life personally, except my love... but now, they never know..hahahha

in our hepi sad family, there is no celebration like hell on Hari raye, open house i mean..
cause at my home, no one come to visit us.. ussualy they go nenek home, except for my brothers frenz n ayah relative.. relative ni pun bleh kire brape kerat yg datang..
bese la, kitorg tgh susah..
cube klu cik ramli bwk duit berkoyan2, ramai la jilat montot my daddy..

kawan2 aku, xde pun aku pelawe dtg..hahahaahh
cian dino ler, dak catering..
nak datang, aku kenceng die kate nk kuar.. padahal aku nk tido..
sori erk dino..
xpenah lagi dak opis dtg umah ni...
so lenkali je la.. my wedding ke...berangan..wahaahaah

besday celbration pun kecik2 je.. itupun ntuk my mom je.. n the rest just queit.. siap wat2 lupe lagi..
nothing special ok in my life..
n i never know what special of me? did u?


Khaisya said...

huhuhu..tu la ko..aku ajak beraye kat swak ko xnak..

rina is pink is sugitani said...

xmo ler.. aku nk berade dgn famili aku je..aku kn manje..hihih