Wednesday, December 3, 2008

tag by kerul lak

People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any 1 questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.....

RULE #2Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by and continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
- aku ceraikan ko skang jugak..hahahha

1. Do you like tags?
-rase cm kawan tu syg kt aku...

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
- aku nk jd bos, tp aku xnk pening2,kalut2 cm bos aku... xnk keje yg byk masalah..cthnye, bukak kedai stationery, ke nurseri ke..hihi

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?right now ha??
- bos aku... arini pakse aku lg lunch ngn die.. fuck tul..aku xmo ler ngok
ngn org kt amnet yg ban aku....siot tui..

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
- makan semeja ngn donald trump

5. Will you fall in love with your bestfriend?
- no.. bg aku kawan is kawan, can't change to love

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
- being loved by someone n i love that person toooo

7. Are you gorgoues?
- rase cam ye, kekadg rase cm ntahpape..kikiki

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
- bukan jodoh kami.. rina, sile cr yg lain..tettttt...

9. What do you pray each day for your loved one?
- Doakan yg baik2 utk family & kwn2..semoga hidup sentiasa mendpat keredhaan dariNya.. (same cm khairul)

11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
- da kawen, da banak pinak. kete da 4, umah da 8.. kayenye aku...hahaha

12. Why do you think you are so tensed matter at the office..or at home or in your toilet??
- rase nk bg surat resign skg..hihih

13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
- kerul - kawan komputer aku yg baik.. skg ni majuk ngn aku pasal aku xlyn die.. aku kebizian nk mintak manje2, lempang nk?huhuhu... aku syg die

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
- aku prefer single tp kaye, bleh amek anak angkt..hihih... klu meskin tp laki xmampu, lame2 aku pun xtahan.. i know my self, my limit..

15. Who would you like to see the moment you wake up?
-jam..alamak aku lmbt lg...huhuhu.. belari2 kamben aku ke toilet. tye mak aku masak ape..

16. What’s the character must have in your partner?
-yg beragame..aku ni kn nakal..hihihi. pastu ade duit bleh support aku beli jco

17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
- selalu sgt da ni.. selalunye aku pilih yg syg aku lebih... tp kekadg aku pilih kaca dr intan.. bengong

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
- boleh blah... tp klu org tu slowtalk ngn aku, aku ok je.. buktinye aku da bebaik ngn naida, roommate aku yg curik bopren aku lu.. baikkan aku..
aku ni kasar luar dlm, tp still bleh belembut okesss

19. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
- mesti la nk ade org yg jage aku, jadi supir aku..hahahaahah

20. Would you leave your family behind just to chase your dreams?
- think it first.. hahahah... klu aku tinggalkan dorg ntuk kebahagian mase depan bersame, why not?

5 persons I want to tag :
1) sha

p/s: this real me


TashadeNatasha said...

tu sha mane?

Khaisya said...

syg kamu jugak ye rina..muaahhh!

rina is pink is sugitani said...

sha - sape lg aku pggl sha kt dunie komputer ni

kerul - yo lah...

Kapten Luffy said...

ganas ler ko ni. ROCK!

MaszLaVista said...

aku kene gak ke penyakit berjangkit nih?

rina is pink is sugitani said...

zali - aku adalah aku..kikiki

denoso - u must do it..hahah

TashadeNatasha said...

ekek.aku dh bt tag ni dah.