Wednesday, October 29, 2008

aku dan movie

arini aku kan stress pasal keje, so untuk mengelakkan stress berleluasa, aku pun membook cerita ini...
my bestfriend's girl..

ni sinopsis die:
Smart, beautiful and headstrong, Alexis is the girl of Dustin's dreams. But after only five weeks of dating, the love-struck Dustin is coming on so strong that Alexis is forced to slow things down--permanently. Devastated and desperate to get her back, Dustin turns to his best friend, Tank, the rebound specialist. A master at seducing--and offending--women, Tank gets hired by freshly dumped guys to take their ex-girlfriends out on the worst date of their lives--an experience so horrible it sends them running gratefully back to their beaus. But when Tank works his magic on Alexis, he ends up meeting the challenge of a lifetime. Alexis is the first girl who knows how to call his bluff, and Tank soon finds himself torn between his loyalty to Dustin and a strange new attraction to his best friend's girl.

kelaka ar gak, tapi awas cerita ni 18PL tau.. lucah gak ler, bahasa aku tak cover langsung, takat fuck2 tu, dildo jadi mainan...
first time aku tgk dildo..haahah
tringat dulu aku dikate inesen pasal xkenal dildo..manelatau..hihih
opss, sudah rina bout the dildo...
cite pasal dustin ni soh kawan die yg keparat itu mengayat bakal awek die, tp ngorat kene tunjuk style kotor..
xjalan la plak, pastu die jatuh cinte kt kat alexis, kate hudson ni.. (kopek die kecik, xselere aku..hahahah, tapi anak die cute gile ar)...

okla, ingt cite ni satu jam, tapi satu jam 45 minit je, nasib supir aku xsampai lagi..hahaahha

balik opis, aamek beg, tuka suar, cucuk mate...
tu hours aku ngula, pasal xgi lunch tadi...adilkan??hahahah


Khaisya said...

dildo??camno rupo??tepek gmbo..

rina is pink is sugitani said...

xmo la...lucas weh..kakakakak

Khaisya said...

kah3!!!,,,tau,,nanti aku google je...wakakakakak

rina is pink is sugitani said...

ko jgn weh..kang kuar ntah pape..aku xjamin..hahaha
gile la ko khairul