Thursday, November 6, 2008

semalam aku kan..kan...

tgk movie..kikkki

the house bunny..
ok la, kelaka gak lawak2 die...
ni sinopsis dio..
Shelley Darlington has lived at the Playboy mansion for the last nine years. She is Hef's favorite and acts like a den mother to the other girls. On her birthday, she is unceremoniously evicted from Hef's pad for 'being too old.' Homeless and without essential skills, Shelley wanders around L.A. until she finds a new job--the housemother at the most unpopular sorority on campus.
klu sinopsis dari aku lak, cite pasal shelley, si kegemaran playboy yg didajal keluar dr mansion playboy..
so die pun crk la tmpt nk beteduh, jumpe dak2 yg buwok tu ubah style dorg..
best ar gak..
more important, their friendship, buat aku brangan nak de kawan byk..


MaszLaVista said...

kwn byk klu satu pale xpe..
klu byk kerenah byk cekadak
mencik aku!

rina is pink is sugitani said...

aku pun same..susah nk crk yg tul2 kawan ni..

Anonymous said...

cerita Playboy ni? ada bogel-bogel tak?

Anonymous said...

cerita Playboy ni? ada bogel-bogel tak?

rina is pink is sugitani said...

smpai 2 kali post..mano do..
cium2 pun sikit je..